Friday, May 19, 2006

The Answers.

After my post about 10 Questions, a few repliers have asked me to answer them as well. And I could have just left a comment, but in case you haven't noticed I'm long winded. LOL. Here are my answers.

1. No. From the day before my wedding I was already remarking that although "today is not my dream day it's the day my dreams came true on'. And I do believe that. But it is a struggle for me not to feel shafted that I didn't get the fairy tale day I wanted.

2. We both wanted kids pretty much from the get go. We listened to everyone tell us that you have to be financially secure before you have kids and all the money related reasons to not have an on purpose honeymoon baby. However, just before we started trying neither one of us wanted to get out of bed or go through the motions of life, we did, but we wanted to be alive for a better daily purpose than paying the bills. It's so much easier to get up each day knowing what we're doing is for the good of a little person. We still have a lot of tough days, but we come home and Belle laughs and life is perfect.

3. When I move in and out of a home, or when someone I want to impress comes over. It rarely gets cleaned otherwise. Although we do rinse out the tub before Isabella has her bath.

4. This is the one I don't really have an answer for. We both want 4 kids, (that is after I convinced Nick we could not adopt 14 Peurto Rican's and create a MLB team). We also want them close together, 18 months between is ideal for us, so we'll be done having these children before I'm 30. However, the last two years have been a downhill slope in the financial area and we're not sure we can responsibly have 4 children. Although who knows how quickly we can climb out of this hole now that we're not saving for yearly tuition. So it's up in the air. I'm still pretty decided on having all 4, but all kinds of people are very adamant about advising me not to live "beyond my means" so I'm not sure. This next year will help decide. When we are done having kids, I'll be the one getting a hysterectomy or my tubes tied.

5. I wont dye my hair the colors I like. I really like being a red head or doing a blue color that is very black until the light is on it right. Nick wants me to go blonde if I dye, and that would look funny on me, and so I shall not dye.

6. I get more heated when someone offers their opinion and claims to be "open minded" but spends the whole time voicing their opinion in such a way that says "you're wrong if you don't agree". For some reason I can't take advice from family.

7. Definitely. Nick and I have been very open about our struggles with people, and we are committed to living a vulnerable life before the youth we serve, which means we have to be willing to do the same with our own kids. We can't be one person in public and another at home.

8. I do. I have another life that I think about alot. One that in my mind would take away the stresses I currently deal with. But it would mean having never met Nick and not having had Isabella or this baby that's on the way. So, I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to meld the two.

9. I feel totally frazzled about myself. But I don't even feel like I gave 110% to anyone. I just feel kinda lacking in most areas these days.

10. I think my life is more like the canvas than in highschool. I didn't grow up being told I could do whatever I wanted to do or be whatever I wanted to be. That was a new idea to me after college. So I do feel like I'm going to do great things with my life, I just have the complication of figuring in three other lives while I do it.

Hm. That was kinda fun. I think I shall post more questions posts.


karen said...


Anonymous said...

You can't take advice from family? I am deeply hurt :p lol jk jk. It was fun to delve into the mind that is my older sister. Have a good one.


Jen said...

I like your answers Amanda. This may sound obvious but they are so "YOU".

Robyn said...

Interesting, thank you! I'm curious about your other life :)

the Haazens :) said...

It was very fun to read the answers to your own q's=) And BTW your prego belly is looking very cute! Half-way seem like such a landmark=) Enjoy the rest of it!