Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Rose by Any Other Name

Brooklyn Adia
responsible freedom
Last night I was preparing a gift for a baby shower and as I wrote in the card I was struck once again at what an awesome privilege it is to be a parent. So I thought I would share the meaning of Brooklyn's name.
If you look in any baby name book Brooklyn means 'stream' or some form of water. It doesn't for me. I love New York. To me it's a symbol of freedom. The thousands of immigrants who started fresh and came through Ellis Island. A tonne of people who flock there looking for fame and fortune. I can remember on my honeymoon the sense of dreams coming true in the streets as I walked through. It may take a person years of shining shoes to get where they want to go, but the people of New York continue to plod on until their dreams are fulfilled, and then they are set free. Free from all the 'I wishes' and the 'If onlys'. Now I don't have the courage to name a child New York, or Manhatten, or Bronx, or Harlem, so Brooklyn it is.
Adia is the name of Sarah McLachlan song. A song she wrote after falling in love and marrying her best friend's ex boyfriend. It caused a lot of hurt between her and her gal pal and she very easily could have walked away, I mean she got the guy and that's what counts right? But Sarah took the road less travelled and mended the relationship with her best friend and now all of them are buds, chumming it up on Vancouver Island. This song reminds me of the responsibility we have to make choices and deal with the consequences, whether good or bad.
As a unit the name, responsible freedom, is a challenge to me as a parent to raise my daughter(s) in God's image to give them to tools to make their own chioces and the morals to take responsibility for those choices. It reminds me that for a time I do most of that work, teaching and being the example. But one day I will set them free to do the work on their own and they will be responsible for making choices and being responsible with them.


the Haazens :) said...

What a cool post Amanada! I love the names you chose for both your girls...they are so 'you' and they totally suit the girls too=)

Did you know Clinton Werezak from CBC? He is living and ministering in NYC right now and sends us updates all the time. I should forward you his next update e-mail if you are not already on his list.

Anonymous said...

Amanda, you are so awesome. I pray that all your hopes and dreams for yourself, Nick and your children are fulfilled by our loving and caring Father.

I couldn't give you the gift of a life long faith but your faith has grown beyond what I could even imagine for you! And I know, through His grace, it will continue to grow in you and your children.

Anonymous said...

These last 2 posts are some of my favourites of yours, Amanda. Really beautifully put.

Anonymous said...

I love these last 2 posts as well :)

Elizabeth said...

Great posts, Amanda. A very enjoyable read. Thanks.

wandi said...

Is this a photo of Isabella, or Brooklyn? If it is Brooklyn, then she sure does look like her sister Belle. So cute. God Bless.

Amanda Franks said...

Wanda, it is Brooklyn. They are starting to look very much alike!

karen said...

very cool.