Thursday, June 28, 2007

Of This and That

Well, I guess I spoke too early about everyone being back on the blog train! We've had another exceptionally hot week here, (yesterday it was 41 degrees with humidex), so we've been inside a lot, (and I've been checking blogs hourly). The sky was threatening of thunder storms last night but we headed out to baseball anyway and I'm glad we did. It was super windy which made the heat bearable and it didn't start to rain at all. Isabella loves watching her older friends play baseball. She cheers for everyone and is about as fun to watch as the game. We left in a bit of a rush so I forgot the camera, maybe next week.

We had a successful toy change yesterday and my living room looks so clean now! We moved on from the smaller baby toys that always seem to leave the room looking like a toy graveyard. Now we're on to some bigger toys and while they do take up space the room doesn't look cluttered anymore. I really, really like that.

I decided to give "Once a Month" cooking a try. Today I did all the shopping and the night before prep work. Since we're a family of only 2 adults I'm doing a two week plan that should last us an entire month. It should take about 4 hours of cooking tomorrow and then it will all be done. Hurrah. The recipes look really good. I was salivating while I copied them onto recipe cards as I borrowed the book from the library. So excited. I'm hoping that in a few months I'll start to do the "Once A Month" process with my own recipes and start branching out into the zillions I put on my recipe blog when eliminating all the loose recipe cards I had floating around. Which reminds me I still have a bundle left to add.

Tomorrow I have a crop night here and there are going to be 4 people coming! I'm so excited because I get to release some really cool new opportunities and my Everyday Display arrived in the mail today and I'm so excited to put it up!

I've also decided to no longer allow 'anonymous' comments on my blog. Yesterday I got one of those annoying, 'let me help your blog make money' comments and well, enough is enough. I'm not going to get excited about people actually reading and commenting on my posts just to find out it was an anonymous being.

Well off to bed and dreaming of cooking.......


Jen said...

Good luck with the once a month cooking. I've done it before and it was so handy!

Angella said...

Way to go! Maybe I should try that sometime... :)

Lamb said...

Sounds like you have a plan. That is so great!!!!
Love the pix of the girls but would like to see some of you and Nick, too.
Way to go about you know who. lol

hugs and prayers

the Haazens :) said...

Awesome about your cropfest! I think you linked the Everyday Display thing to your recipe blog...I'd like to see it!

I haven't heard of the once a month cooking thing. Sounds like a real time saver!

Amanda Franks said...

Thanks T! I did mess up the link, but it's fixed now. I'll take a pic of the one I made up here and post it too. It's such a cool product, I'm totally in love!

Kim said...

Hey Amanda! I heard from De that you are having a craving for the Chocolate Chip Bars I used to make. The recipe she gave you was one a haven't ever made very often so I posted the one I used to always make in the microwave on my blog. If the one she gave you wasn't what you were looking for you can try the other one out.

Have fun cooking once a month - and cropping!
