Wednesday, January 31, 2007


I just can't decide whether Wednesday or Thursday is my favorite day of the week. I treat myself on Wednesday evenings to some serious scrapbooking time. Usually after I put the kids to bed I tackle something on my list of 'big' cleaning projects. (It's hard to tackle the really tough dirt while making sure a toddler doesn't take off with the cleaning supplies!). My list of big chores is pretty long as our house was quite a mess when we moved in. I am happy to say it is getting shorter each day though. However, on Wednesdays I put the kids to bed, tidy up the living room and kitchen, grab myself a snack and settle in for an evening of scrapbooking and tv. Some weeks I do a lot of scrapbooking and some weeks I get a little scrapbooking done and a lot of tv watching. The shows I enjoy run from 8-11 and once they're done I pack up my stuff and head upstairs to bed. It's a good way to end a day. Plus knowing that I am going to treat myself makes me less irritable on tough days and is great motivation for accomplishing a lot during the day.

Then there's Thursdays. I get up and head to the church for LMO. Then I come home for lunch which we get to eat as an entire family! In the afternoon I put the girls down for a nap and if I want to I can leave the house kid free to run errands, go the library, hang out with Ange or whatever else. Or I can hang out with Nick or take a nap. Then we get to eat dinner, again as an entire family! Dinner is followed closely by our bedtime business. I tuck in the girls as Nick returns home with the baby sitter and we head out to Bible Study. It's an easy going day because I get to share the load of child care with Nick and I get to spend a lot of time with other adults. All things that make me quite happy.

I think maybe they are both my favorite, because they are together. Being an intorverted extrovert I get my energy from being with people, but I also need to have time by myself to do things for myself. It's great to have balance.


Elizabeth said...

I love having time to spend with Justin, too. Those tow days sound pretty good Glad you have a time of refreshment.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like two WONDERFUL days :)

the Haazens :) said...

I love the time all together as a family AND the alone time to do my fave things and unwind too! Both days sound wonderful (except for the cleaning part...I could live without having to do that!).

Anonymous said...

Amanda--I love reading your blog. I wish we lived closer so we could hang out with our kids! Charity

Anonymous said...

Balance is good. Wishing you lots of it!