Friday, April 13, 2007


I don't have a picture today of Brooklyn at six months. I have been doing these monthly shots of her in a white onsie laying on angel's wings. As she gets bigger the wings get smaller and it's cute in my opinion. But at her check up yesterday she got the usual vaccinations and today she is such a sleepy baby. I'll be sure to get the pictures this weekend, but thought I'd post this as I procrastinate from cleaning my kitchen. Brooklyn is now 6kgs, (13lbs 2 oz) and is totally healthy in all aspects. We had the resident instead of our regular doctor which is fine by me, but I think it's an evil plot by our family doctor. There just happens to be a resident to see us when the kids need needles. Smart planning, keeping the kiddos liking you! The resident started in on her list of "does your child do this..." and I was sort of impatient so I just rattled her latest tricks off, and the resident was impressed enough to not ask me anymore questions. Isabella also had to get a needle yesterday just to catch up as we switched provinces during the time of regular vaccinations in a kid's life. We got Isabella stuck first so if Brooklyn's pain upset her it would be after the fact of her own pain. This was great planning cuz Belle did cry when Brooklyn cried and the resident looked like she might cry. Good planning Dr. S, good planning.


Anonymous said...

Oh, the shots! Emily goes in 2 weks :(

Elizabeth said...

Pokes suck.

Anonymous said...

It is soooo sweet that Belle is sympathetic/empathetic (whichever or both, I have a hard time keeping them straight) and loving to her sister!! Kiss their booboos for Gramma!

the Haazens :) said...

I hate those needle days!

Can't wait to see pretty angel wing pics=)