Friday, December 28, 2007

Don't Underestimate the Sneakiness

Somehow Christmas seems to sneak up on me every year. I sit back just after it's all over and think of all the things I had wanted to do and never got around to doing. I don't quite understand how it manages to happen, it's not like Christmas changes days or happens like a surprise birthday party! We did do some great things this season, but I am looking forward to next Christmas already. I am looking forward to doing the things I had planned to do this year and didn't get to because I was exhausted during the last weeks of pregnancy and now am stopping to feed an infant every 2-4 hours! We've already taken down all our decorations and have re-arranged the entire main floor to accomodate the Christmas gifts. Not that there were a tonne, but the ones we got require room. I'll post some photos to show you what I mean as soon as I get them off my NEW camera! I got the camera I have spent the last year salivating over. Our old faithful point and shoot kicked the proverbial bucket and so Nick got me a camera for Christmas. It's just sitting here staring at me, begging me to use it off of manual mode, but it will have to wait until my house is clean. I wonder if it has a setting for that......


Lamb said...

I know what you mean about Christmas. Nick will tell you that I am always ready for it. But I still miss doing a lot of stuff I want to because I just get waylaid by other things to do. Does that make sense??? I am glad you got a new camera. What kind is it??? I am drooling over the new Nikon. All we can afford is a picture of it. lol Can hardly wait to see the pix you will take with your camera. Love to your girls and you and Nick.

Bloggy Mama said...

dang, if your camera can clean your house for you, let me know because I am in DESPERATE need of the same. So glad that your Christmas was marvelous!

Jen said...

Yay for a new camera! Can't wait to see the pictures you take with it.